Saturday, May 29, 2010

German Chocolate Cake

I'm incomplete. Fragmented. I'm a mixed message. No good.

I'm 1 cup short on flour.

½ cup too much brown sugar and ¾ cup too little granulated.

2 eggs too many.

3 teaspoons of salt?!?

You haven't been paying attention. Distracted by this and by that.

Yet all the while I've been looking at you. With my Hershey kiss eyes.

Waiting for you to fix me. Finish me. Make me yours again.

With my Hershey kiss eyes. Pointed angry. Left alone and concealed.

Under this large Rubbermaid lid. Misshapen and melting in my own emotions.

This chocolate frosting over me undermines my coconut pecan filling.

Feeling still nuts for you though you drive me nuts. Make me yours again.

I'm going stale mate.


  1. I hope whoever this is intended for gives you the attention you need. Of course, sometimes even thoughtful people need to be given explicit directions now and then. I know, easier said than done. Still true.

    Nice work.

  2. I wish there was a "like" button or something, because I think it's very well-executed, but don't really have anything insightful enough to leave a comment. This happens often with your writings.
