Two spirit-filled speakers (full of bass and debasement) outside an electronics shop tremble on the pigeon-scattered sidewalk.
Out of the pair of inanimate objects permeates a soul that bellows of niggas a few fucks and a bundle of bitches.
Down the sidewalk a few stores a black man bares his soul through a staticky loudspeaker that bellows Jesus a few answers and a bundle of breaths.
The man takes his sweat-drenched white hat off from time to time like a tarnished halo.
Niggers of many colors (but mostly niggers) watch him from the bus-stop canopy or from the sidewalk.
They watch him but they do not hear him very well. The speakers are louder than the speaker.
Some pigeons fly north eight blocks and become white doves. No loudspeakers—just the soft chatter of lunch plans and the soft pitter-patter of heels.
There are no transients except for the occasional begging bum who believes in purgatory.
But the bum knows very well that a few quarters and a bundle of dollars don't make change.
At least not enough change to give him enough money to get from purgatory to Heaven.
There's a long and treacherous highway between the two that the Bible forgot to mention.
The bum can only hope that it's not a hell of a bus ride.